Precision Delphi Script Lite Crack Patch With Serial Key Download 2022







Precision Delphi Script Lite Free Download For Windows

Precision Delphi Script Lite is a handy and reliable application designed to execute Pascal scripts from command line or from a linked interpreter integrated into your application.
Precision Delphi Script Lite features native support for graphical user interfaces and includes encryption abilities.
You can also try out the portable version of the application. Other features such as database connectivity, support for communication protocols and build options are available in the standard build.
PDSL application is equipped with a special parser that can read scripts of any complexity. As a result, the user is able to analyze and solve problems in an interactive manner.
In order to execute scripts the application requires the full Delphi compiler.
If you’d like to use the tool for commercial purposes we also offer a licensed version of the product.
The application is developed as a stand-alone application to ensure maximum compatibility and maximum flexibility.
So if you’re developing an application, you can integrate the functionality provided by the tool into your application easily.
The application is written in pure Delphi 7, and is completely object oriented. All features can be accessed from the user interface. In addition, the application features a graphical user interface that makes it extremely easy to use.
The build configuration allows you to create a console application, and optionally a COM server. With the COM version, the functionality can be used from any application that supports COM and COM objects.
The software is fully written in Delphi 7 and does not require the original Delphi compiler.
Precision Delphi Script Lite Portable Description:
Precision Delphi Script Lite Portable is a handy and reliable application designed to execute Pascal scripts from command line or from a linked interpreter integrated into your application.
Precision Delphi Script Lite Portable features native support for graphical user interfaces and includes encryption abilities.
You can also try out the portable version of the application. Other features such as database connectivity, support for communication protocols and build options are available in the standard build.
In order to execute scripts the application requires the full Delphi compiler.
If you’d like to use the tool for commercial purposes we also offer a licensed version of the product.
The application is written in pure Delphi 7, and is completely object oriented. All features can be accessed from the user interface. In addition, the application features a graphical user interface that makes it extremely easy to use.
The build configuration allows you to create a console application, and optionally a COM server. With the COM version, the functionality can be used

Precision Delphi Script Lite [Win/Mac] (Final 2022)

A DLL for building key macros.
These macros are used to automate pressing certain keys on your keyboard to make very short sequences.
They are often used for typing quickly.
For example:
— OS & Windows:
MACRO Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key0
MOVE Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key0
MACRO Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key0
— Unix:
MOVE Key2, Key4, Key6, Key8
PUNCH Key3, Key5, Key7, Key9
MOVE Key4, Key6, Key8
PUNCH Key5, Key7, Key9
MACRO Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key0
KeyCombination Macro allows to create macros with any combination of the key commands you specify.
The parameters in the macro commands are optional.

Legal Blurb:
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jean-Francois Doucet
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document
provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions provided that the
above copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, and that the modifications
are clearly marked as such. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translated versions
provided that the original English version of this permission notice is preserved, and
that the translation of this permission notice is clearly marked as such.
This software is provided ‘as is’, with no explicit or implied warranty. In no event
shall Jean-Francois Doucet be liable to any party for direct, indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary, or consequential damages, including, without limitation, damages for
loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of the use of this software, even if Jean-Francois
Doucet has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Adjourning (suspending) a meeting or a meeting that has been adjourning or (failing to
reopen a meeting)

Precision Delphi Script Lite Crack With Full Keygen

Precision Delphi Script Lite is a handy and reliable application designed to execute Pascal scripts from command line or from a linked interpreter integrated into your application.
Precision Delphi Script Lite features native support for graphical user interfaces and includes encryption abilities.
You can also try out the portable version of the application. Other features such as database connectivity, support for communication protocols and build options are available in the standard build.
Syntax highlighting
Native support for GUI dialogs
Native support for embedded interpreter
Customizable control mapping for embedded interpreters
Open source and portable version
GDB style support for embedded interpreters
Scripts can be organized into projects
You can create, modify and save scripts
Exporting scripts from one script to another is supported
Scripts can be exported into DLL format
Scripts can be imported from DLL format
Runs from command line and integrated with your application
Supports all Delphi 2007, Delphi XE, C++Builder XE, C++Builder XE2 and RAD Studio XE2 supported platforms
Multiple compilation options for embedded interpreters
Allows you to adjust the speed of interpreters and generate machine code
Supports WMP/WASP and embedded interpreters
Supports WMP/WASP for dynamically loading scripts
Supports BASIC, PAS, HAML, Ruby, C++, Lisp, and Visual Basic
Supports GAP and GNU Linkers
Supports export to DLL, including Symbian and DOS
Supports import from DLL
Supports opening and saving scripts from all platforms
Supports saving and loading of embedded interpreter settings
Supports custom mapping of controls to embedded interpreters
Supports Unicode and extended ASCII characters
Supports database connectivity
Supports system event handlers
Supports classes
Supports events
Supports GUIs
Supports import/export of settings
Supports classes
Supports COM
Supports OpenOffice and MS Word
Supports import and export of OpenOffice templates
Supports import and export of MS Word documents
Supports import and export of database tables
Supports import and export of database rows
Supports import and export of database fields
Supports import and export of Excel worksheets
Supports import and export of Excel charts
Supports import and export of Excel pivot tables
Supports import and export of Excel sheets
Supports import and export of Word tables
Supports import and export of Word charts
Supports import and export of Word documents
Supports import and export of database rows
Supports import and export of database fields
Supports import and export of database tables

What’s New in the?

Precision Delphi Script Lite is a handy and reliable application designed to execute Pascal scripts from command line or from a linked interpreter integrated into your application.
Precision Delphi Script Lite features native support for graphical user interfaces and includes encryption abilities.
You can also try out the portable version of the application. Other features such as database connectivity, support for communication protocols and build options are available in the standard build.


Precision Delphi Script Lite: Key Features

This page will list the main features of Precision Delphi Script Lite. For each of the features listed below you can click on the image for a closer look at it.

Native GUI support (integrated interpreter)

This feature allows you to use Windows applications to create graphical user interfaces and perform calculations.

Native GUI support (script linker)

This feature allows you to use Linux applications to create graphical user interfaces and perform calculations.

Native GUI support (from command line)

This feature allows you to use console applications to create graphical user interfaces and perform calculations.

Encryption support (from command line)

This feature allows you to encrypt/decrypt your scripts with a key from the command line.

Command line interface

This feature allows you to execute your scripts from the command line.

Command line interface (from command line)

This feature allows you to execute your scripts from the command line.

Command line interface (from command line)

This feature allows you to execute your scripts from the command line.

Database connectivity

This feature allows you to read and write to databases.

Python interperter support (from command line)

This feature allows you to execute your scripts from a Python interpreter.

Batch processing

This feature allows you to execute one or more Pascal scripts in the background or to execute a list of scripts.

Script converter support

This feature allows you to convert Pascal scripts to another language.

Structure editor

This feature allows you to edit the script structure.


This feature allows you to debug your scripts.

Custom memory management

This feature allows you to allocate memory for your scripts.

Custom input/output

This feature allows you to create your own input/output functions.

All the features of the standard build (except the Batch processing feature) are available in the portable version of the application.

Precision Delphi Script Lite: Installation

Precision Delphi Script Lite is available as a free download.

To install, simply download the zip archive and double click to unzip the archive and then double click on the PrecisionDelphiScriptLite_x.x.x.x.exe file.

If you are using Vista, or have a 64 bit version of Windows, you might want to

System Requirements:

Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or later
Intel Macs
Any Web Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
1024 x 768 or above resolution screen
Core i5 or later
Install Instructions:
You will need to download the installer from here, unzip it, and double-click on file to install.
Update 12/16/2014: The extension is no longer available from the app store, instead you will need to use�-0-7-1-crack-for-windows/