Compare 5 of the Best Online Dating Services

To determine what is the best dating app for you, we have analyzed eight primary functions of dating apps from both personal experience and the experiences of our readers. We have also included our rankings, comparing all eight dating apps along various metrics, from safety to privacy. All eight are available in both iOS and Android, making this guide all-encompassing, but we have also highlighted specific features in each category that make each one a pleasure.

When you’re in a relationship, having a smartphone doesn’t just make daily life easier—it also provides a massive windfall of information and insight into the other person’s personality. With the right app, you can finally get an idea of who this person is. If you’re single, then this could be the difference between meeting someone new and dating a couple of friends—the most you can hope to achieve is bringing somebody new into your life for a night. So let’s dive into everything you need to know about dating apps.

From the very beginning, dating is a marketing exercise, and the dating app is an ideal canvas. It’s a chance to set your frame, and share the best of who you are with the people who are interested in you. You may be trying to create the perfect profile, upload your best photos, and choose the perfect phrases to leave in your bio, but there’s a chance you could be missing the point entirely. Why take time out to draw attention to your best traits when your best feature is the person you are? Allow your personality to be your best self, not the subject of an algorithm you have to think about.

You can either go all out on your profile or decide to keep things simple. Here are the eight best dating apps for finding love:

8. Closer

To begin, Closer allows you to specify your type of relationship, as well as your location. Closer is a mobile app that’s ideal for finding a partner in the casual or long-term. All of the people you meet through the app are in the same location you are, so you’ll have the chance to find someone with whom you share activities and interests. Right now, the app is only available in the U.S. and Canada, but a UK version is coming soon. You must create a profile on Closer before you can be matched with another user. Once you do, you will be given the chance to share your interests, according to the dating rules you want. From the very beginning, you have
Finding a match may seem like an insurmountable task, but with a little preparation and guidance, you’ll be glad you took the plunge. You may be surprised how well you’ll be able to fit in, and one of the reasons that you don’t have trouble finding matches in real life is because you’re not applying a universal standard. You are specific and better equipped to meet a person who is right for you based on the qualities that you value and want to find in a mate. Chances are, you won’t find many strangers who are perfect for you—at least not on a first date—but you can certainly find someone who doesn’t necessarily fall out of the sky.

Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of online dating, where you start, and how you can make the best of it.

The Pros

Expanding Your Options

If you know exactly what you’re looking for (or at least broad preferences), online dating is a viable way to figure out if anyone out there is a match for you. Sure, online dating gives you an excuse to pretend to be a different person, but that’s not always a bad thing, because your standards and that person’s standards may never be perfect, because we all bring baggage and jabs from our previous relationships to the new person in our life.

So while we may keep close to our old ideals, we can also expand our horizons and meet new people who are far from perfect in all the ways we’re perfect.

More Options to Screen for Sexual, Emotional, & Legal Issues

There are a few ways online dating has made screening for these issues easier. If, for example, you’re looking for a relationship, it can be hard to ask about old partners (or even current partners), but on an online dating site, you can be more open. Also, online dating sites like Ok Cupid feature an “in-depth questions” section, which usually allows you to post what you’re looking for in a partner in more detail than you’d be able to on an average first date. While there’s no guarantee that the profile owner will come out and say “yes” the instant you hit that “submit” button, you can definitely increase your chances by better screening.

Finding People Based on Flaws, Not Perfections

It is extremely difficult to read someone’s mind and detect their flaws, especially on a first date. (Blind dates are a great